Selecting The Best Largemouth Bass Lures

By Elinor Tran

Selecting the optimal largemouth bass lures can take time. Trail and error may be needed until you find the one that works best. Flexibility is recommended because what works one day might not work as well the next. Anglers need to adapt their choices to changing water and weather conditions.

Lures come in so many different varieties, colors and sizes that it can be a bit overwhelming for the novice angler. In order to be effective the lures should be used in a way that is consistent with fish feeding patterns. This means anglers may need to do their research on the feeding patterns and lake topography of their area to make the best selection.

When water temperatures are cool, like in the spring, running top-water plugs and poppers work great. These artificial baits also are appealing because the fish can make a rather impressive splash when it strikes the lure, causing a nice adrenaline surge for the angler at the other end of the line. They should be fished in shallow water near structures like brush or tree tops.

Mid-water baits such as spinners, crank baits, spoons and streamers are also proven fish catchers. Crank baits have a depressed lip that causes the lure to descend periodically in the water like a real fish would. Spinners try to imitate an injured minnow and can be cast and reeled at relatively fast speeds.

When water temperatures become really warm, fish will descend to the deepest part of the lakes and rivers where temperatures are cooler. During summer, most successful fishermen go out in boats and try to cast into the deeper portions of a lake. For this, baits like plastic worms or jigging spoons with pork rinds attached are most popular.

Fisherman also argue about what color to select, but studies show that red performs best in laboratory settings. However, a good angler will try many different options before settling on a bait. The general rule for largemouth bass lures is to stick with what works and if the fish are not biting, switch to something else. The process of trial and error helps narrow down the choices.

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